During the academic year, we practice daily. You can find us outside Dillon Gym Monday-Friday at 4:45pm or 10am on Saturday and Sunday. We typically offer two workouts a week, in addition to racing on the weekends. Runners break into pace groups at every practice, so there is a place for everyone — we ensure that no runner is left behind! Whether you can only make one practice a semester, or you work out with PRC every day, all are welcome to run with us! We do not take attendance at practices — anyone can race.
We have people training for a variety of events, from ultramarathons to the 100m dash. Regardless of what your goal is, we can help you achieve it. Distance runners can contact Connor Roeser or Julia Birdwell. Sprinters, throwers, and jumpers should contact Ada Metaxas to find out more about practice times. The indoor track is reserved for PRC on Mondays and Thursdays from 8-9pm.

We spend summer break building up a mileage base with long runs, tempos, and fartleks. Weekly running logs keep our members connected, no matter where their summer takes them.
For more information and to access our workout plans, make sure to first join our GroupMe and to contact an officer (emails on the Officers page).