
For the 2024-2025 academic year, we offer several forms of membership options:

Social – $25 per semester

For the people who just want to run, make friends, and get fit, this option is for you. Join us at practice or at any of our various social events, including pre-games, movie nights, apple picking at Terhune Orchards, dinners, and the end-of-season banquet.

First-Time Competitive – $50 per academic year

Freshmen and new members enjoy all of the benefits of the competitive+social membership option at a reduced price!

Competitive – $50 per semester

Race, run, eat, and bond with us as we travel to places like Penn State for weekend races, our fine West Windsor cross country course for home meets, and Virginia for NIRCA Nationals. Also, receive coaching and training to improve your running ability! This includes social dues.

Note: If you decide not to race after registration closes, you will be responsible for the entry fee (typically $20). 

We accept cash. Please contact our treasurer, Sean Kerrigan (, for other payment options, if you have any questions, or if your desired membership poses a financial hardship.